"It's asking a great deal that things should appeal to your reason as well as your sense of the aesthetic." W. Somerset Maugham, 'Of Human Bondage', 1915 English dramatist & novelist (1874 - 1965)
"Who knows what form the forward momentum of life will take in the time ahead or what use it will make of our anguished searching. The most that any one of us can seem to do is fashion something--an object or ourselves--and drop it into the confusion, make an offering of it, so to speak, to the life force."
Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death

Monday, January 26, 2009

I'm Such A Damn Hypocrite

I don't know how your family was growing up but (and I think I've already established that mine was probably not real normal) at our dinner table, after our parents left and the four of us remained to finish eating (because we dragged our heels on eating the things we hated: beets, liver, turnips, etc...) we would entertain ourselves and break out into laughing fits.

Sorry for the Henry James-like sentence (though mine is slightly shorter).

Anyway, from the living room, as they watched the evening news, my parents would yell at us to stop what we were doing, knock it off, quit laughing, etc...and we just couldn't stop or fathom why we were getting in trouble for...laughing. What could possibly be wrong with laughing? How could that be wrong? I mean, my parents were just freaks.

Fast forward thirty-some-odd years, and yes, you know where this is going. I'm sitting at the dinner table with my two kids and their acting like complete damn idiots. And there I go telling them to stop, knock it off, quit and all that stuff my parents said to me.

With my kids looking at me like there's something wrong with me, what could I do but, with serious face, rip a fart, get up and walk out of the kitchen, leaving them laughing and unable to breathe.

1 comment:

Nan B Reddy said...

No you aren't, you, like me, come from a dysfuctional family!