"It's asking a great deal that things should appeal to your reason as well as your sense of the aesthetic." W. Somerset Maugham, 'Of Human Bondage', 1915 English dramatist & novelist (1874 - 1965)
"Who knows what form the forward momentum of life will take in the time ahead or what use it will make of our anguished searching. The most that any one of us can seem to do is fashion something--an object or ourselves--and drop it into the confusion, make an offering of it, so to speak, to the life force."
Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death

Friday, October 8, 2010

It's Been Such A Long Time....

I do miss Brad Delp....but it's been a very, very long time since I even looked at this site let alone posted anything...not that it matters as I'm the only one reading it. Yet, it does represent an external "gathering" of an inner dialogue.

I'm pretty sure I now know why my writing has gone by the wayside...

I drink not from mere joy in wine nor to scoff at faith--no, only to forget myself for a moment, that only do I want of intoxication, that alone.
Omar Khayyam

Basically, I just got tired of thinking, even though it's not like you can just "shut it off", it doesn't work that way, but you can "muffle" it; hence no writing.

But then I started talking to this woman, a very intelligent woman and shit, she's got me thinking again. Went back to Becker's and Harris' books and well...here I am...posting for the first time in nearly a year....

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