"It's asking a great deal that things should appeal to your reason as well as your sense of the aesthetic." W. Somerset Maugham, 'Of Human Bondage', 1915 English dramatist & novelist (1874 - 1965)
"Who knows what form the forward momentum of life will take in the time ahead or what use it will make of our anguished searching. The most that any one of us can seem to do is fashion something--an object or ourselves--and drop it into the confusion, make an offering of it, so to speak, to the life force."
Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death

Monday, February 2, 2009

Why We're Here or...Idolatry

Was reading an interview with prog-rock musician Neal Morse and he said something that made me stop a moment because I think he's come to the wrong conclusion for the wrong reasons.

He said,
One is that God made us to worship. He created us to worship him but since we in large in part don’t worship him then we have to worship something, because we’re made to worship [laughing]. So we find people and stuff that we can see, and in a way it makes sense. You find somebody that you can see whether its a musician or a movie star. It can be good things that we idolize, or a pretty girl that sings well like Britney Spears...The problem is we were made for that and idolatry kills you know? It’s bad for the people that do it and it’s bad for the people that are idolized too. It’s just not how God made us so we suffer."

I don't think we were made to worship. I, for one, would not wish to have anything to do with a "god" who made me to worship him/her. That need is an inherent weakness and thus, "god" cannot be perfect as we are always told, at least in the Christian faith.

What I think is that people get caught up in all the mess Neal mentions because as a species Man is basically class oriented. We, like other simians, live in a hierarchy. From early on, Man's societies have always had a ruling class, be it religious, political or militaristic in nature. In our society, people want prestige and prominence, they want to feel special, above others...in one way or another...this explains why American Idol is such a huge hit.

We idolize what we want to be...thus, if we idolize a movie star it's because we want to be like that movie star and thus if we idolize a "god" it also is because we want to be like that "god".

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